Sunday, April 11, 2010

My name is Emily Dickinson and I'm an American Poet. I was born and raise in Amherst, Massachusetts in December 10, 1830. I will consider myself an outcast to the other kids out there. I contact my friends through letters. I really like being by myself, that's why I rarely see most of my friends. I never been married, because of that people look at me more differently. When I was twenty-eight i locked myself inside my room. I spent most of my time inside my room reading and creating poetry.In my lifetime I've created at least 2000 poems. I only let four of them to be publish. After sixteen years have passed by I've finally got out my room and I started to wear this white dress; no one really know why I've done this. One day I've became very ill and a doctor came to my house to check on me. I didn't let the doctor touch me I only let him observe me from a distance. I've died in the age of 55, after I died I saw death in a carriage waiting for me with Immortality.

This is one of my poems called "GLEE! The great storm is over!.

GLEE! the great storm is over!
Four have recovered the land;
Forty gone down together
Into the boiling sand.

Ring, for the scant salvation! 5
Toll, for the bonnie souls,—
Neighbor and friend and bridegroom,
Spinning upon the shoals!

How they will tell the shipwreck
When winter shakes the door, 10
Till the children ask, “But the forty?
Did they come back no more?”

Then a silence suffuses the story,
And a softness the teller’s eye;
And the children no further question, 15
And only the waves reply.

Stanzas 1-4 was about a terrible storm killing a whole crew but left four alive. Four has found a land which was a boiling sand because they were happy that they found land.

Stanzas 5-8 I seriously think that the people in the island are happy that they found a low amount of souls so they can harvest or so.

Stanzas 9-12 Until winter comes they will harvest the four men when snow falls, the children are wondering about the other forty men that were on that ship.

Stanzas 13-16 A mere awkward silence came about when the children ask about the other forty. A man just gave the children a look indicating that they did not survive. The children are asking no more question. They are patiently waiting for winter to come so they can eat the four men.

I can not find a figurative language used in the poem.
The imagery is depicted in the poem is a wrecked ship, four men, and the villagers of the island.
The mood of the poem is very intense because the four men are going to be the villagers food when winter comes.
The Theme of the poem is scary.


  1. Juan,

    You have a great about me section; it is very detailed. As far as your analysis, do you think that maybe she was talking about life rather than an actual ship wreck? Could this have been a metaphor? Think about that. And now for the theme, is the theme scary? Remember theme is the overall message of the poem.

    You also need to read over your work because you have a few spelling/grammatical mistakes.

    Grade: 80

  2. If this was sarcastic, (and I hope to god it was) it is incredibly funny.

    Otherwise, I pray for your literary soul.
